Saturday, November 17, 2012

First Ever Legit Fan Girl Moment

One thing off of my bucket list! To see one of my most loved Korean Stars (probably the one that I must admit that I am a die hard fan of) - LEE MIN HO 이민호. Me and my friend were able to get two patron tickets the night before the fan meet and it was soooo amazing!!

Both me and my friend are line-haters and because of that both of us are still not registered voters :P and yet we were able to survive standing in line for 2 hours and 15 minutes to see our beloved!! Haha forgive the fangirl in me but you must say, he really is gwapo and super generous to his fans at that!

After 2 hours of waiting outside, we had to wait for 1 more hour for the show to begin. I must say the fan meet was short but Lee Min Ho made it a point to entertain his fans to their heart's desire! He really knows how tickle his fans' hearts! There were 10 winners for the meet and greet, and 10 more winners for the roulette contest. There were also other winners who had the super duper grand chance to shake his hand and for me, even just to see his warm smile and killer dimples was enough! But there yes he super made sure that the short fan meet would really be memorable for his fans. He was so thoughtful of his fans' safety during the event that before the event started, he requested for everyone to be not too excited for they might hurt other fans :( aww baby baby :))

Lee Min Ho really did eat the suggested Filipino food by one of his fans! 아도보를 맛있써요? 
Sorry did not take much pictures but I did take a lot of videos. I just need to find ways on how to convert them and upload them soon! :) But if you cannot wait, I must suggest that you look for the fan with won the staring contest! It would surely melt your heart! Okay then enough of my fan girl spamming! :)) NEXT GOAL: Autograph signing and picture-taking opportunity with Lee Min Ho! 

The Lee Min Ho dress-a-like contest winner! 

민호씨 taking a picture with his fans! 

I hope Lee Min Ho would upload this to his official twitter account! :)

Bench made a great decision to get Lee Min Ho to be one of their endorsers!! They should keep him forever!! :))

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Salvation Sunday: I believe not in coincidences

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A lesson about pearls. A simple enough analogy that is good enough to push me for this semester (or at least for the early part of this semester hihi). Things to know about pearls:
  1. It is created due to a hypersensitivity reaction brought about by a parasite or a foreign material to the oyster.
  2. The "oyster reaction": secrete "saliva" aka calcium carbonate to enclose the foreign object.
  3. After some time, layers and layers of this calcium carbonate becomes the lustrous pearl!
  4. Fun fact: pearls can't be made outside of oysters!
According to today's service, we are just like pearls.
  1. Problems or our "dark moments" = irritants / foreign material
  2. The "human reaction": we could either see this as an opportunity to toughen up or give up but if we opt the latter, we will not be able to see the pearl that we are destined to be. 
  3. How would we toughen up? Always remember to turn to the One who has designed our path. Remember the Church, your family, your friends. Turn to these for strength and most probably they'll help you, layer by layer, overcome the "irritant" and realize the pearl that you are.
  4. Fun fact: pearls can't be made outside of oysters! Well I really don't know how to interpret this but as of now this is how I understand it: I believe not in coincidences! God has laid out a master plan (hence, our oyster is the plan that has been set out for us). We experience things according to His plan for us. We are just given options on whether we would like to follow or not. God has planned when, where, how, and why we meet the people we meet.